Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance

2 Peter 3:9—The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

I was reading through Matthew and realized something.  It seems so sad that some people genuinely thought that Jesus was heretical.  It seems so sad that though God came down to show people the way, people rejected him.  It’s sad that on the last day, people like Herod, Caiaphas, the Pharisees, Sadducees, Pilate will have to sleep in the beds that they made.  It’s sad to think that they’ll have that feeling, “Oh, I was so, so terribly wrong.”  I think that’s why Jesus, as he was being crucified, said, “My God, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.”  They truly didn’t know.  They were genuinely doing what they felt was right.  It seems so sad that anyone should perish, though in reality, we all deserve it.  I hope that this motivates me; I hope that I will have a heart like God’s--He loves everyone in the world and doesn’t want anyone to perish.

And in turn I hope that this will motivate me to have compassion on people of this campus and beyond this campus.  I hope that I will not desire anyone to perish and in turn go and share the gospel with people.  I hope that this love will overcome any fears that I might have.  I hope that my love for them will cast out any fear that I feel—any fear of rejection, any fear of breaking of a relationship.  I hope that I will truly deem God’s relationship and my friendship with him greater than the friendship with anyone on this earth.  I want that to be true in my life.  I want doing His will to overshadow everything on this earth; I want it to all fade into the background.  I want to share His gospel, scary as it may be sometimes.  I hope that my love for them will cast out any fear that I fear.  Any fear of rejection, any fear of breaking of a relationship.  I hope that I will truly deem God’s relationship and my friendship with him greater than the friendship with anyone on this earth.  I want that to be true in my life.  I want doing His will to overshadow everything on this earth; I want it to all fade into the background.

I really believe that God's heart for everyone is revealed in 2 Peter 3:9.  I believe that that is why in Matthew 24:14, it says how the end will come after the gospel is preached to all nations (i.e. people groups).  God wants everyone to have a chance to come to repentance, so He’s giving people the chance and waiting.

Though as a Christian, I often think of the last day as a time of joy, but for the ones who do not have the assurance of salvation or for those who reject God, it will be a time of weeping and deep sorrow and regret.  I don’t want anyone to perish and to have that awful feeling of regret.  Out of love for them, I owe it to people to share this wonderful knowledge with them.  Out of love for them, I ought to tell them what God has done for them and I ought to tell them of the full and abundant life God has for them.

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